Paul Strickland

Paul Strickland

Miami, FL

Who are we?

Mr. Strickland co-authors one of the leading introductions into blockchain, tokenization, smart contracts, and cryptocurrency. He assists clients in navigating this unprecedented area of the law and advises on the potential application of the tax code and SEC regulations to blockchain-related businesses and cryptocurrency transactions. Mr. Strickland provides advice on reporting obligations, structuring of coin or token offering, and the application of federal securities law. He also advises clients on how developments in blockchain technology may proactively be used to streamline business processes and advises on how those developments may impact clients’ industries in the future. Additionally, he uses his knowledge of blockchain and cryptocurrency to defend against federal criminal investigations that concern cryptocurrency-related securities fraud and other blockchain-based fraud cases.

What is our speciality?

Federal Civil & Criminal Litigation, SEC Matters, FTX Matters, Healthcare Audits & Investigations, Tokenization & Blockchain