Dhiraj Nallapaneni is a Crypto Tax Writer at CoinLedger. As an Economics degree holder from the University of California Santa Barbara, he’s well versed in topics like cryptocurrency markets and taxation.
Reviewed by:
David Kemmerer
Reviewed by:
David Kemmerer
Co-Founder & CEO
David Kemmerer is the Co-Founder and CEO of CoinLedger. David has been deeply involved with the cryptocurrency industry since 2017.
Our Editorial Standards:
Our content is designed to educate the 500,000+ crypto investors who use the CoinLedger platform. Though our articles are for informational purposes only, they are written in accordance with the latest guidelines from tax agencies around the world and reviewed by certified tax professionals before publication. Learn More
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Key Takeaways
Many believe in the long-term potential of Cardano because of its Proof of Stake consensus mechanism, its capped supply, and its research-based approach to development.
While Cardano has strong long-term potential, it has lagged behind faster-growing competitors like Ethereum and Solana.
Frequently asked questions
Is it good to invest in Cardano now?
Cardano shows long-term potential, but its slow development, volatility, and its lag in adoption behind competitors are all factors to consider before investing.
Will Cardano reach $100?
While it's possible that Cardano may reach $100, it would require substantial growth in market capitalization and adoption.
Is there a future in Cardano?
Yes. Cardano’s strong team, capped supply, and scientific approach to innovation suggest it has a promising future. However, competition in the smart contract blockchain space is fierce.
How much will 1 Cardano be worth in 2030?
It’s impossible to predict any cryptocurrency’s value in the future due to the complex nature of supply and demand. Most Cardano investors believe that price will increase in the future due to the blockchain’s research-based approach to development.
Will Cardano fail?
Cardano is a well-known and reputable cryptocurrency project — which makes it unlikely that it will fail completely. However, the project has lagged in price growth and has yet to see the price highs it reached in 2021.
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Written by:
Dhiraj Nallapaneni
Crypto Tax Writer
Dhiraj Nallapaneni is a Crypto Tax Writer at CoinLedger. As an Economics degree holder from the University of California Santa Barbara, he’s well versed in topics like cryptocurrency markets and taxation.
CoinLedger has strict sourcing guidelines for our content. Our content is based on direct interviews with tax experts, guidance from tax agencies, and articles from reputable news outlets.
Demystify Crypto Taxes
The Ultimate Crypto Tax Guide (2025)
This guide breaks down everything you need to know about cryptocurrency taxes, from the high level tax implications to the actual crypto tax forms you need to fill out.