How Does Bitcoin Have Value If It’s Backed by Nothing?
Written by:
Dhiraj Nallapaneni
Written by:
Dhiraj Nallapaneni
Crypto Tax Writer
Dhiraj Nallapaneni is a Crypto Tax Writer at CoinLedger. As an Economics degree holder from the University of California Santa Barbara, he’s well versed in topics like cryptocurrency markets and taxation.
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Our content is designed to educate the 500,000+ crypto investors who use the CoinLedger platform. Though our articles are for informational purposes only, they are written in accordance with the latest guidelines from tax agencies around the world and reviewed by certified tax professionals before publication. Learn More
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Key Takeaways
Unlike traditional currencies, Bitcoin is not backed by physical assets or government promises. Bitcoin’s value comes from scarcity and trust in its security mechanism.
Bitcoin's intrinsic properties — capped supply, global accessibility, and blockchain security— make BTC a revolutionary alternative to traditional currencies.
Frequently asked questions
Could Bitcoin go to zero?
While Bitcoin is highly volatile, it’s unlikely that its value will go to zero. BTC has a strong track record of success spanning over a decade.
Is Bitcoin backed by any government?
Bitcoin is fully decentralized and is not backed by any government or central bank.
What does Bitcoin rely on?
Bitcoin relies on its intrinsic properties for value — including its security mechanism, its scarcity, and its convenience.
Is Bitcoin backed by gold?
Bitcoin is not backed by gold or any other physical asset.
Who controls the value of cryptocurrency?
The value of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is not controlled by any one individual or entity. Bitcoin’s value is determined by supply and demand.
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All CoinLedger articles go through a rigorous review process before publication. Learn more about the CoinLedger Editorial Process.
Written by:
Dhiraj Nallapaneni
Crypto Tax Writer
Dhiraj Nallapaneni is a Crypto Tax Writer at CoinLedger. As an Economics degree holder from the University of California Santa Barbara, he’s well versed in topics like cryptocurrency markets and taxation.
CoinLedger has strict sourcing guidelines for our content. Our content is based on direct interviews with tax experts, guidance from tax agencies, and articles from reputable news outlets.
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The Ultimate Crypto Tax Guide (2024)
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