Miles Brooks holds his Master's of Tax, is a Certified Public Accountant, and is the Director of Tax Strategy at CoinLedger.
Reviewed by:
Jordan Bass
Reviewed by:
Jordan Bass
Head of Tax Strategy
Jordan Bass is the Head of Tax Strategy at CoinLedger, a certified public accountant, and a tax attorney specializing in digital assets.
Our Editorial Standards:
Our content is designed to educate the 500,000+ crypto investors who use the CoinLedger platform. Though our articles are for informational purposes only, they are written in accordance with the latest guidelines from tax agencies around the world and reviewed by certified tax professionals before publication. Learn More
Coinbase reports Form 1099-MISC for customers who’ve earned more than $600 of income through means such as staking and referrals.
Starting in the 2025 tax year, Coinbase will be required to report all capital gains and losses to the IRS through Form 1099-DA.
In the past, Coinbase has turned over customer records to the IRS after being issued a John Doe Summons.
Frequently asked questions
Do I pay taxes on Coinbase transactions?
Coinbase transactions may be subject to capital gains or income tax.
How do I avoid Coinbase taxes?
There is no way to legally evade taxes on your Coinbase transactions. However, strategies like tax-loss harvesting can help you legally reduce your tax bill.
What is Coinbase’s reporting threshold for the IRS?
Coinbase sends Form 1099-MISC to the IRS when a customer has earned $600 or more of cryptocurrency income.
Will Coinbase send me a 1099?
Currently, Coinbase sends Form 1099-MISC to customers who are based in the United States and earned at least $600 of income on the platform. In the future, Coinbase will issue 1099 forms for all users with capital gains and losses.
Can the IRS see my Coinbase account?
Coinbase issues forms detailing taxable income to the IRS. In addition, transactions on blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum are publicly visible.
Do all crypto exchanges report to the IRS?
Starting in 2025, Coinbase and other crypto exchanges will issue Form 1099-DA to customers due to the crypto provisions of the 2021 infrastructure bill.
CoinLedger has strict sourcing guidelines for our content. Our content is based on direct interviews with tax experts, guidance from tax agencies, and articles from reputable news outlets.
Demystify Crypto Taxes
The Ultimate Crypto Tax Guide (2025)
This guide breaks down everything you need to know about cryptocurrency taxes, from the high level tax implications to the actual crypto tax forms you need to fill out.